By: - Call Us: 1-877-392-8106 - Get Your Cash NOW!Even though both federal and state laws protect you when you decide to sell all or part of your structured settlement, no two companies in the industry are exactly the same. When you are looking for structured settlement quotes, here are a few things to keep mind to ensure you get the most money out of your settlement.Check the Company’s BackgroundBeyond knowing how long they have been in business and the rates/amounts they will offer for your settlement, take time to really dig into the company’s background. Your first stop should be the Better Business Bureau (BBB).Ask yourself:Is the number of complaints reasonable? Don’t expect a company to have a squeaky clean record. If they do, look at how old the company is. If they’re new, that could be why. But remember, no company will ever keep all their customers happy all the time, so some complaints should be there.Read the complaints to see if you can find out about the company’s business practices to make sure they are ethical. See if they have addressed any of the complaints directly, and if so, how they were addressed.Check the overall grade. Avoid doing business with a company that has less than a B.Go one step further and turn to your favorite search engine. Search the name of the company you want to learn more about, and add the word “scam.” Try again with the word “complaint.” Read through the results, but bear in mind these results are not as worthy as those reported to the BBB.Read the complaints from other people, and see if you find any patterns. Check to see if the company has addressed the complaints and if the issues were resolved.Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations from friends, family, and financial planning experts. These different perspectives can be valuable in helping you choose the company you work with.Get Multiple QuotesAs tempting as it may be to go with the first quote you see, get quotes from several different companies–at least three. This can help you see who will provide the best deal, but remember, only take the best deal from the most reputable company. Just because you get a better offer doesn’t mean it is necessarily the better deal. Keep in mind that many companies will lowball you, because the less money they have to give you, the more money they get to keep in profit.Never disclose quotes from one company to another company. Never release company names when talking with other companies. This can help you see who is going to give you the best deal, and which companies may try to take advantage of you.Make Sure You Have a Closing Date GuaranteeSome companies out there may purposefully try to delay the closing date to avoid having to give you as much money. You should get a guarantee of at least 8 weeks, because in most states, this is sufficient. If you live in New York, however, make sure your guarantee is at least 12 weeks, to be on the safe side. In the guarantee, stipulate any delays will award the per diem amount be paid to you upon closing. This will ensure the company is unable to profit by causing delays on your case, and that if delays naturally occur, you won’t lose out on money.These three tips can help you get the most from your structured settlement quotes, so you are not losing out on as much of your money, just because you need it in a lump sum rather than in periodic payments. Source Link:
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